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Books | Ensemble 2e2m

Agata Zubel

Entrée en matière


Publication bilingue français-anglais Bilingual publication French-English


Auteurs / Authors

Daniel Cichy

Michèle Tosi

Aleksandra Bilińska

Alan Lockwood



Nathalie Barrié

John Tyler Tuttle

Erik Veaux

Anna Zaranko


Both instrumental and vocal, concert and installation, permeated by literature and poetry, Agata Zubel’s world, at the crossroads of contemporary musical engagements, pop, jazz, and electro, is an ocean of energies that bore into sound matter with rare force and eruptive subtlety.




Pages / 174'

Parution / 2019

Editor / 2e2m - Collection À la ligne

Ref. / 978-2-913734-15-9

Price / 10.00 €

Legal notes ©2e2m 2014