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Books | Ensemble 2e2m

Aurélien Dumont

La Fécondité de l'écart


Publication bilingue français-anglais Bilingual publication French-English


Auteurs / Authors

Claude Ledoux

Pierre Rigaudière

Florence Trocmé


Avec des poèmes de / With poems by

Véronique Bergen

Frédéric Forte

David Christoffel

Dominique Quélen

François Rannou


Traduction anglaise/English translation William Snow

Standing at the crossroads of richly intertwined worlds, Aurélien Dumont, a French composer born in 1980, is always tuned in to “the other.” How better to describe the passage from real- ity to composition - and vice versa - that is the primary focus of his in nitely subtle music. It is always a matter of taking words and things, carefully examining their differences, and considering ways to give them meaning.




Pages / 157'

Parution / 2018

Editor / 2e2m - Collection À la ligne

Ref. / ISBN 978-2-913734-14-2

Price / 10.00 €

Legal notes ©2e2m 2014