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Books | Ensemble 2e2m

Saed Haddad

Entre les milieux /

In Between Circles


Auteurs / Authors

Jérémie Szpirglas

Rodolphe Bruneau-Boulmier

Dan Albertson


Publication bilingue français-anglais / Bilingual publication French-English

An Arabic-speaking Christian, Saed Haddad, a Jordanian composer who was born in 1972, can be said to be a sort of “border obliterator”. His music, extremely refined and poetic, is at the junction of the European and the Middle Eastern worlds. Otherness is the backbone of all his works. At the heart of his writing, perfectly mastered, he manages to spare contrasts. To near-violent exchanges, he opposes incredibly beautiful diaphanous textures in a fascinating sound theatricalisation.




Pages / 93'

Parution / 2013

Editor / 2e2m-Coll. À la ligne

Ref. / ISBN 978-2-913734-09-8

Price / 10.00 €

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