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Books | Ensemble 2e2m

Ondrej Adámek

rituels... robots /

rituals... robots


Auteurs / Authors

Jean-Pierre Derrien

Éric Denut

Corinne Schneider

Bernd Künzig


Publication bilingue français-anglais / Bilingual publication French-English

The music of Ondřej Adámek, a Czech composer who was born in 1979, with literally “gripping” qualities of touch, causes a confusion of the senses in the listener, a certain dizziness - that is to say: a good amount of pleasure.




Pages / 114'

Parution / 2012

Editor / 2e2m-Coll. À la ligne

Ref. / ISBN 978-2-913734-08-1

Price / 10.00 €

Legal notes ©2e2m 2014